
Shaping the future is like wading across a murky river, feeling your way with your toes. We make sure you have the proper footing.

Our approach is practical


      • We craft and staff a process to address your challenge at hand.
      • We strengthen core competencies so you can manage the challenges ahead.
      • We backstop you on your journey to ensure your success.

Core Competencies

Systems perspectives

With a systems perspective, groups can see the patterns in how people and organizations are connected and how they behave. They can construct a shared view of a challenge and of the dynamic forces at play. Together, they can detect where change is likely soonest and the direction things go as they start to intervene.

Adaptive strategizing

Adaptive strategizing is a systematic way of making sense of a what’s happening, of coming up with innovative solutions, and of adapting activities based on the outcomes that emerge.

Inclusive collaboration

Diverse perspectives enhance a group’s collective intelligence. They help groups see more facets of a problem and more opportunities for generating change. A group’s diverse skills and abilities increase its power to innovate, to combine resources in unexpected ways and overcome the most difficult challenges.

Our expertise

With years of experience, we are expert in an array of tools and methods. This allows us to craft our support to meet your unique circumstances.

An assortment of methods

    • Systems mapping and analysis
    • Sense-making and way-finding approaches
    • Narrative modes of inquiry
    • Behavior change methods
    • Organizational assessments
    • Workshop facilitation
    • Experiential training methods
    • Coaching and backstopping
    • Collaborative and emergent learning methods